Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Multiple Income Streams For Your Home Business By Bryan Wong Y H

Starting your home business can be a challenging journey. You will hear all the big guns earning hundreds of thousands of dollars and some even 7 figure salaries. All these sound really good to the ears but I am sure they don't often share with you one very important secret. And the secret is that they have multiple streams of income online.

Before you start your own home business, you have to ask yourself what is your main objective? I'm not talking about the type of business you want but if your personal aim is to have a real career on the internet from home that replaces your income, you have to consider multiple income streams. To give you an example, say you are an affiliate for one product and only making money from this particular product. Some may make money by being an affiliate of one product. Even if you are the top affiliate, you will not earn as much as those who are affiliates for multiple affiliate products.

Another reason for having multiple streams of income is to ensure that you still continue to make money even under unforeseeable circumstances. Say you are an affiliate for Product A which has been selling like hot cakes for years and you happen to be one of the top affiliates for Product A. Imagine what would happen, if the owner of Product A decides to close down, never to return again. The reason could be that the owner decides to move on or stop selling Product A altogether.

When this happens, you can't say that the owner is to blame. What I'm saying here is that you should never assume that any business is secure especially on the internet. Sign up as an affiliate for multiple products so you see different income streams coming in and it is very unlikely to have multiple affiliate products crash and burn at the same time.

Affiliate marketing is also not the only stream of income which you can make money. Remember that the internet as vast opportunities to earn money from home. It does not necessarily have to be affiliate marketing. Paid surveys might not offer much but it certainly is worth doing in addition to being an affiliate. If you have some products to sell, you can try eBay. You can also try freelancing work like writing articles or press releases for a fee. There are lots of marketers who would pay a fee to get this done just so that they have time for other things. If you are good at web design or search engine optimization (SEO), you can also offer a service for doing that.

I'm not going to list out all the possible ways to supplement your home business income but my advice would be to research well on all areas. Start crossing out those which are unfamiliar to you and work on those which you can do.

Based on what I've written above, I hope you have understood why multiple income streams are necessary to make a living online. Internet businesses from home takes time and hard work. Do not expect success in the short term.


Bryan Wong YH

Check out my website at

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